Spiritual Songs III
Series,  Repeat Authors

Spiritual Songs III

Spiritual Songs III 

Spiritual Songs III is the latest book from best selling author Ann Marie Ruby to be checked off my to be read list. 

It is no secret if you’ve been following me for any length of time that Spiritual Songs II is my absolute favorite book from Ann Marie Ruby, and I pick it up to read and let it speak to me quite often if I am struggling or just need to refocus my attention and energy. Needless to say, I was very happy to see a third volume being released and wanted to read it. 

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Have you read Spiritual Songs III? Come on in and let me tell you about it! 

Spiritual Songs III
Spiritual Songs III

About Spiritual Songs III 

Spiritual Songs III: The Rising Lotus is the twenty-fifth book by number-one international author Ann Marie Ruby. She has been named as one of the top leaders in the spiritual space and her books have been hailed by readers as “the most thought-provoking” and “best spiritual books ever.”

May this book of prayers, I call songs, rejuvenate all minds, all bodies, and all souls as our caroling prayers are sent to the abode of the Omnipotent.

With simple words of prayers, carol through the seven days of the week, for the number seven is seen through all faiths as the symbol of completion and perfection.

Like the rising lotus, let us sing ourselves out of the murky rivers of Earth with hands held up toward the Heavenly skies while seeking refuge from all the troubles of life.

Prayer is the precant’s only way of communicating with the Omnipotent. Come and let us, the precants of all faiths, get together and unitedly sing the sweet songs through, Spiritual Songs III: The Rising Lotus.

Don’t miss out on this religiously unaffiliated treasure box of spiritually awakening prayers written for people of all beliefs! 

From the Author 

My pure dedication and devotion are to help and all humans find peace, joy, and harmony within themselves. If a poem, a prayer, or a song gives any soul a few minutes of peace, joy, and harmony, then my devotion to write harmonious prayers I call songs is worth every minute. All the energy and courage it took me to open my heart out to all of you is worth it. 

As through prayers we set aside all differences and disagreements, I hope one day we will learn to accept the differences. I am the optimist who yearns through prayers. I call songs that one day we the humans will rise above all religious quarrels and accept one another as creations of the one Creator. I ask all humans who will be judged by the one Creator, the final Judge, not to judge one another. Remember, we are all the judged, not the Judge. 

I dedicate this book of prayers to all of you who need a prayer tonight as you only worship and ask the one God to answer your innocent prayer calls. For all of you who have no place to go, for all of you who feel lost and stranded, and for all of you who want to express your devoutness and your loyalty to the one God, I dedicate this book to you the precants. 

Ann Marie Ruby 

Thoughts on Spiritual Songs III 

I’ve been reading Ann Marie’s books for several years now. I can’t remember how I discovered her writing, but I am so glad that I did. Sometimes things, people, books, and more find us at exactly the right time, even if we don’t realize it is happening, or that we need it. 

I’ll tell you that I still pick up several of Ann Marie’s older books when I need to just settle, meditate, or relax, whatever you want to call it. Because they take me to a place of calm, and I can allow them to speak to me. 

Spiritual Songs III is another amazing book of hers. I personally think everyone should read her books and give them a try. You may not realize you needed to read it. 

You can call it a collection of songs, poetry, prayers, or whatever you want. I find it to be a combination of all three, so I’m never really sure what to call these. But they are beautifully written, and it is abundantly clear that Ann Marie puts her heart and soul into her writing. 

I always find comfort, a sense of calm, and time to reflect when I open any of the three Spiritual Songs books. Ann Marie Ruby is an incredible human, and that is reflected beautifully in each and every book she writes. 

Spiritual Songs III
Spiritual Songs III

Final Thoughts on Spiritual Songs III 

One of the things I love the most about Ann Marie’s books is that they are not based in one specific religion. I’m not generally a religious person, by any stretch of the imagination. So the fact this book falls into the general faith category opens it up more to people like me, or anyone who identifies as agnostic, and I appreciate that fact. 

I read this from cover to cover the first time reading it. Now, I just pick it up and open it to a random page, and let the message find me. Which is something I’ve often done with her books. I let them speak to me, and just absorb the message I’m meant to hear at that specific time. I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to read books like this. I firmly believe that the message we are meant to hear will find us when we open the book. 

I’m calling Spiritual Songs III a five star read, because I’ve already read it twice, and I will continue to read it whenever I need to. It feels like a hug from my best friend whenever I open one of Ann Marie’s books, and sometimes that is the best gift anyone can receive in life. Finding some comfort, guidance, or even just a few minutes to pause and reflect in a difficult time. 

Spiritual Songs III
Spiritual Songs III


Have you read Spiritual Songs III or any other writing from bestselling author Ann Marie Ruby? Are you a fan? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 

About the Author 

Ann Marie Ruby is an international number-one bestselling author of twenty-one books. Alongside being a full time author, she is also a blogger. 

Ann Marie is an American who was born into a diplomatic family traveling the globe and grew up in Brisbane, Australia as her father was a student at The University of Queensland. 

She lived in the Washington DC area, but later settled in Seattle, Washington where she currently resides. In her spare time, when not writing books, she loves to meditate, pray, listen to music, cook, and write blogs.

Her books have also placed on top 100 bestselling charts in various countries including the Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany.

She revealed why many of her books revolve around the Netherlands, sharing that as a dream psychic, she had seen the historical past of the country in her dreams and was later able to place a name to the country. 

This is described in detail in Spiritual Lighthouse: The Dream Diaries Of Ann Marie Ruby and The Netherlands: Land Of My Dreams where she also wrote about her plans to eventually move to the Netherlands. Her Kasteel Vrederic book series is also based in the Netherlands.

Ann Marie is acclaimed globally as one of the top voices in the spiritual space, however, she is recognized for her writing abilities published across many genres namely spirituality, lifestyle, inspirational quotations, poetry, fiction, romance, history, travel, social awareness, and more. Her writing style is hailed by critics and readers alike as making readers feel as though they have made a friend.

Purchasing Spiritual Songs III 

If you are interested in buying the paperback version of Spiritual Songs III, click here.

For the hardcover version, click here.

Click here for my favorite Kindle I currently own.

More From Ann Marie Ruby

Did you enjoy my review of Spiritual Songs III? Need another great Ann Marie Ruby novel to read? Here are my favorites! 

Spiritual Songs II 

The World Hate Crisis 

The Netherlands 

Eternally Beloved 

Evermore Beloved 

Be My Destiny 

Heart Beats Your Name

Entranced Beloved 

Spiritual Travelers 

Spiritual Journey 

Love Letters 


Eternal Truth 

Forbidden Daughter 

Spiritual Ark 

Enchanted Tales

Spiritual Inspirations 

The Immortality Serum 

Melodies of Humanity 

Shattered Wings 

Spiritual Songs

The Bride, The Groom, and The Ghost 

Spiritual Lighthouse

Spiritual Messages 

Spiritual Songs III 

Woman in The Mirror 

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Spiritual Songs III
Spiritual Songs III

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