Around the Corner from Sanity
Short Stories

Around the Corner from Sanity

Around the Corner from Sanity 

Around the Corner from Sanity
Around the Corner from Sanity

Around the Corner from Sanity from author Jason A. Kilgore is the latest thing to be checked off my constantly growing to be read list. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever manage to read everything on the list. It’s a goal! 

This is a collection of paranormal short stories

I had the opportunity to meet Jason A. Kilgore recently, and I must admit that the title of his novel, Around the Corner from Sanity, is what caught my attention. 

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Have you read Around the Corner from Sanity? Come on in and let me tell you about it! 

About Around the Corner from Sanity 

Where does fear find you? 

Eerie entities from beyond our waking world are hardly limited to decrepit mansions or forlorn cemeteries. These fourteen tales of the paranormal will usher you into unexpected settings such as the homes of young couples, a corporate office, a Christmas gathering, a yard that needs raking, and more – places you’d least expect to find ghosts, demons, angels, or exotic gods stalking the living.

Some tales will leave you laughing, such as “Purgatory’s Price,” in which recently deceased souls must play a game show to get into Heaven. Others conjure fear of the dark, like “Rabbit Cry,” in which a young mother and her child are pitted against a murderous teen next door, arousing the attention of supernatural forces.

Prepare yourself for a paranormal roller coaster that satisfies your cravings for both horror and humor by sending you around the corner from sanity. 

Thoughts on Around the Corner from Sanity 

Around the Corner from Sanity
Around the Corner from Sanity

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Jason A. Kilgore recently when I purchased a copy of Around the Corner from Sanity. I noticed the title immediately and it captured my attention. Jason explained that it was a collection of short stories. I always enjoy a good short story and try to read one per day, so I was definitely excited about these. 

Purgatory’s Price 

“The next thing he knew, he was standing in the midst of shattered lumber, exposed wires, and broken plumbing spewing water from his walls. Yet all he could think was, How the hell am I going to clean this up before Marilyn gets back?” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

This story had me laughing the entire time. As a child, one of my favorite things to watch on tv was game shows. I’m sure you all remember the anonymous announcer’s voice telling the host what prizes a contestant was awarded if they won. Now imagine reading this story in that same kind of voice. You’ll love it! 

Catherine’s Locket 

“She felt like a ghost herself, spying on the living room from some secluded dimension. She wondered if that was how her father felt, trapped behind the mirrors, somehow squeezed between photos and the silver backing behind the glass.” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

This one caught me by surprise, and made me a bit emotional. It is a good reminder that life is short, and can change in just an instant. One choice can change the course of multiple lives. 

Rabbit Cry 

“Joanne glanced toward the east side of the house. Skip was there, climbing a huge, gnarled apple tree. Normally she would have called him down, but she let him be. Better he fall from a limb than wander in boredom toward that awful Tate place.” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

This title brought to mind the screaming goats from the latest Thor movie. Were we going to meet screaming rabbits next? 

Rabbit Cry is much longer in comparison to the previous two stories, and I’ll be the first to admit that I had to stop reading this one half way through and take a break. It was just that creepy, and I happened to be reading it alone at 3am. This one is both scary and creepy. Do not read this one before going to bed! You’ll never sleep. Seriously, this is how nightmares start. Save this one for daylight. 

The Way to Hell 

“Dag leaned over his own corpse, laughing between shocked gasps for air.” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

This is an interesting story about the battle between good and evil, and a person’s attempt to gain favor within one or the other. I enjoyed this one a lot. 


“School administrators say the boys were known to have bullied a number of other kids in recent years…” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

This one is both horrific and funny at the same time. It is one of those revenge stories that reminds me that karma can strike when least expected. Sometimes we’re lucky enough to have a front row seat when it happens, and this story is just that. 

Anger Not the Gods of Rake and Mower 

“If there was a leaf god, I’d sacrifice my left nut so I wouldn’t have to do this.” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

When I started looking at the titles of these short stories, this one conjured up the image of a guy being chased by this lawn mower, running for dear life. That’s the kind of thing nightmares are made of right there. 

I wasn’t too far off in my initial thoughts, but it was a hilarious story. I found myself giggling just because I can actually imagine the whole scene in my head. 

The Children of Magnolia House 

“Jim and Maggy refused to trust the ghost children. Christine and Jarod were never allowed out of their parents’ sight, and they were forbidden to play with the ghosts.” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

I’m not completely sure how I feel about this story. It was well written, trust me. That isn’t the issue. It was just a bit creepy, and makes you wonder about ghosts and who you may unknowingly be sharing a home with. But it also has a sentimental feel to it. I’m not sure how Jason Kilgore managed that, but I’m impressed. 


“Don’t leave the living room. STAY THERE! LIGHTS ON!” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

This story is short, and is how nightmares start. I’m not going to spoil it for you, because I can’t do it justice in a mere paragraph, but I liked it. It reminded me of Cinema 7

Thicker Than Water 

“Below, at the base of the stairs, lay a skeletal body, its face staring upward. Strips of decomposed skin, as gray as Robert’s key, still clung to the corpse’s bones. The faded and stained remains of a suit hung crookedly on the body, slipping down to expose a scapula. An arm stretching toward Robert. Its jaw moved, and the words came again.” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

I’m not completely sure what to think of this story. It was short and weird. Not funny, and not creepy. Just weird. 

Like Candy, My Sweet

“She is not your wife, Allen. She is a she-devil. She is like me. And she took the real Sandy away. But I am warning you, Allen, for I wish her dead. For you. Kill her when I say, and I shall return your Sandy, the real Sandy, to you in the flesh.” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

Can you imagine your stereo talking to you and telling you to kill your wife? Well, that’s exactly what is happening here. This is one that gets you thinking about voices and people who claim to hear them. 

The Last Gift of Christmas 

“He reached for a small, cylindrical package wrapped in blue paper and silver ribbon, the last gift of Christmas. He could tell from the handmade bow and card that his mother had wrapped it. He held it up and shook it gently.” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

Oh Christmas with the relatives. How awkward, annoying, and cranky everyone can be. Looking back through time is always interesting, and that is what this story reminded me of. This wasn’t necessarily my favorite story, but it wasn’t bad either. 

Devil Seed 

“Peggy looked up at him, still breathing heavily, and opened her eyes. They were clear and untroubled, blue and unclouded by the trauma she had just experienced.”  

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

Oh my word. What happened in this short story was not what I was expecting or prepared for! I had a couple of cold chills after reading this and then thinking about it. Wow. I’m not going to spoil it for you, but the word gross comes to mind. 

The Secret of Jeremiah James 

“Jeremiah heard distant screaming. High, shrill, full of pain. The mournful sound filtered through some unknown barrier to his ears, took him back decades. A memory of guilt and death. The boy had been thrashing about, his guts spilling out of his belly and head shaking back and forth in an effort to escape the fire burning at his nerves.” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

A dying man is tortured by his own guilt. This one will get you thinking about both death and guilt, and I liked it. This one ranks pretty high on my favorites list of everything I’ve read in this novel so far. 

Corporate Spirit 

“You… the voice said, drawing out the word in a thick whisper. ‘You are chosen. Accept… the invitation.” 

Jason A. Kilgore, Around the Corner from Sanity

I think this was my least favorite story in this book. It had a tedious and depressing tone to it, and it reminded me why I love working for myself. Still a good story that deserves to be read, just not my personal favorite. 

Final Thoughts on Around the Corner from Sanity 

Around the Corner from Sanity
Around the Corner from Sanity

Around the Corner from Sanity is a collection of short stories that I read twice a day until I was finished. Once in the morning and once before bed. I have always found short stories to be more productive and healthy than aimlessly scrolling through social media before I fall asleep or when I wake up. 

I actually found it really difficult to maintain reading just one story from this book twice a day. This surprised me a bit, because normally I am pretty happy with just one story at a time. But in this case, I found myself wanting to binge the entire collection in just one sitting. 

I’m really impressed at how Jason managed to write a bunch of horror stories, but each had a completely different theme and vibe to them. Some funny, some scary, some just creepy, and some even sentimental and sweet. His range is better than I was expecting. 

Around the Corner from Sanity is the first I’ve read from author Jason A. Kilgore, but I know it will not be the last! Give it a try for yourself. I highly recommend it. 


Have you read Around the Corner from Sanity or any other writing from author Jason A. Kilgore? Are you a fan? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 

About the Author 

Around the Corner from Sanity
Around the Corner from Sanity author Jason A. Kilgore

Jason is a multi-genre writer in speculative fiction, including horror, paranormal humor, fantasy, and science fiction. By day he is also a scientist with a global biotech company, specializing in microscopy and cell biology. He lives in Oregon and loves hiking and camping in the mountain wilderness areas and the Pacific coast. He has two teenage children, Ben and Anna, a bunch of cats, and an insatiable craving for chocolate. 

Around the Corner from Sanity
Around the Corner from Sanity author Jason A. Kilgore

Purchasing Around the Corner from Sanity 

If you are interested in buying the paperback version of Around the Corner from Sanity, click here.

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Around the Corner from Sanity
Around the Corner from Sanity


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