Evidence of the Affair
Short Stories,  Repeat Authors

Evidence of the Affair

Evidence of the Affair 

Evidence of the Affair from author Taylor Jenkins Reid is my latest and greatest read. It is an interesting short story, yet is perfect in short-story form. 

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Have you read Evidence of the Affair? Come on in and let me tell you about it! 

Evidence of the Affair
Carl the Sloth also enjoys reading Taylor Jenkins Reid novels with me!

About Evidence of the Affair  

Dear stranger…

A desperate young woman in Southern California sits down to write a letter to a man she’s never met—a choice that will forever change both their lives.

My heart goes out to you, David. Even though I do not know you…

The correspondence between Carrie Allsop and David Mayer reveals, piece by piece, the painful details of a devastating affair between their spouses

With each commiserating scratch of the pen, they confess their fears and bare their souls. They share the bewilderment over how things went so wrong and come to wonder where to go from here.

Told entirely through the letters of two comforting strangers and those of two illicit lovers, Evidence of the Affair explores the complex nature of the heart. And ultimately, for one woman, how liberating it can be when it’s broken.

Thoughts on Evidence of the Affair 

We all know that I love a great short story, and Evidence of the Affair definitely qualifies as a great short story! 

I am familiar with Taylor Jenkins Reid and her work. I have The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo on my shelf and to be read list. Evidence of the Affair was the first that I’ve actually read from Reid though, and I’m so glad I did! 

Evidence of the Affair is told through letters written between Carrie and David, as their spouses have an affair together. Being written in the form of letters was an unexpected format to use, yet it made perfect sense and I enjoyed it. I was thoroughly surprised at how real and relatable it all was. 

Carrie and David both go through daily life, knowing their spouses are having an affair, yet try to pretend life is fine, as they take solace in each other because they’re the only two who know about it. Nothing like keeping a secret and only being able to talk to one person. 

The ending, though I will not spoil it for you, is totally worth reading this book for! I love seeing Carrie become the strong and confident woman she was meant to be. I found it empowering to see how things ended for her, and I love it. 

Final Thoughts on Evidence of the Affair 

Evidence of the Affair was a book that reminded me we are all one decision away from a completely different life, and how quickly things can change. 

It is also a short story, at just 88 pages, that I read in about an hour. This is a perfect read right before bed, because I won’t stay up past my bedtime because I love it. It’s too short for that to happen. 

This was my first read from author Taylor Jenkins Reid, but it will definitely not be my last! I now want to move The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo up to the top of my to-be read list. I enjoyed Evidence of the Affair that much. 


Have you read Evidence of the Affair or any other novels from author Taylor Jenkins Reid? Are you a fan? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 

Are you looking for your next great read? Check out my favorites

About the Author 

Evidence of the Affair
Evidence of the Affair author Taylor Jenkins Reid

Taylor Jenkins Reid is the New York Times bestselling author of Daisy Jones & The Six and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, as well as One True Loves, Maybe in Another Life, After I Do, and Forever, Interrupted. Her newest novel, Malibu Rising, is out now. She lives in Los Angeles. 

Evidence of the Affair
Evidence of the Affair author Taylor Jenkins Reid

Purchasing Evidence of the Affair 

If you are interested in buying the Kindle version of Evidence of the Affair, click here.

Click here for the audiobook version.

Click here for my favorite Kindle I currently own.

More from Taylor Jenkins Reid

Did you enjoy my review of Evidence of the Affair? Need another great read from Taylor Jenkins Reid? Here are my favorites!

After I Do

One True Loves

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Evidence of the Affair
Evidence of the Affair


  • Laura Christina Linklater

    I love reading short stories. I remember reading about the art of writing them and how essentially every single word must earn its place in the prose. Truly an art form. Thank you for this review and exposure to another new author for me. I love your reviews.

    • The Reading Wife

      I recently read a full novel that had a solid 50 pages of fluff in it, and it became extremely tedious to push through and not give up. I have a firm belief that if I’m starting a book, I’m going to finish it, no matter what I think of it. So when I read something like this where the words really do earn their place, I find it a lot easier and more enjoyable to read.

  • Luna S

    This isn’t something I would typically pick up, but it sounds like it was a crazy read and one that keeps the readers attention.

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