Stay Younger Longer
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Stay Younger Longer
Stay Younger Longer is the latest novel to be checked off my to be read list. It is the ninth book from author Ryan Hyatt that I’ve read. Now I am impatiently waiting for him to publish the next book in this series.
I have long had a goal of reading everything that several authors have written, and Ryan Hyatt is one of them. Now that I’ve completed this goal, I kind of feel a letdown. On one hand, I’ve accomplished this goal, but on the other hand, now I need him to write more so I can keep reading.
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I never really know what I’m getting into when I pick up a book from Ryan Hyatt, or where it will take me. Which is the beauty of his writing. It isn’t boring! Do you have a favorite author that you’ve read everything they’ve written? Let me know who it is in the comments!
“Memory is like an orgasm. It’s a lot better if you don’t have to fake it.”
Ryan Hyatt, Stay Younger Longer
Have you read Stay Younger Longer yet? Come on in and let me tell you about it!

About Stay Younger Longer
Dick White, a 28-year-old Los Angeles bachelor and journalist, is put in peril after he learns a popular anti-aging drug called Euphoria is a biological weapon, leaving Dick to find the eccentric criminal who has developed a cure that might save countless lives, including his own.
Thoughts on Stay Younger Longer
“According to the coroner’s office, the District Attorney’s wife died from a heart attack. Such news might not have made international headlines had it not been for the fact the dead movie star was only thirty and in good health when her right ventricle failed and she violently parted ways with the living, writing in bed next to her crime-fighting husband.”
Ryan Hyatt, Stay Younger Longer
Stay Younger Longer is the third book in a series Ryan Hyatt calls “Terrifide” and has two more books on the way that fit into this series. Which I am impatiently waiting for now. Hurry up, Ryan, so I can read more! One thing that I always appreciate about a series is when they can be read as standalone novels, and don’t necessarily have to be read in order. Books shouldn’t have cliffhangers. These don’t, and I greatly respect and appreciate that.
I’ve said it before, and it is worth repeating, I’ve always disliked science fiction stories, and Ryan Hyatt got me to like them through his writing. Which is an impressive feat all by itself. I have now read everything Ryan has ever published so far, and I’ve come to really enjoy his writing style. When I first read one of his short stories, I wasn’t sure what to think. But that is kind of the beauty of his writing. I’m never entirely sure what I’m getting myself into when I pick up one of his books, but I do know that it will be an entertaining ride.
I took my time reading Stay Younger Longer, instead of devouring it in a day or two. I really wanted to slow down with this one and spend some time. Because there is a lot of information and descriptions that I wanted to make sure I was following. Which I will admit, is the best way to go. Some books can be inhaled, so to speak. Others should be savored and enjoyed like good wine.
One of the things I really liked about both this and Rise of the Liberators is that I can see it happening. It is totally plausible. It isn’t too far out into left field.
What I wasn’t expecting was to feel a range of feelings when I read Stay Younger Longer. Normally, I get funny, graphic, and disturbing when I read Ryan’s books, but never much else. This one really hit home when talking about grief and losing loved ones, as well as looking back on childhood memories.
I also wanted to see our main character Dick White be successful. I found myself rooting for him and his success. Finding the cure for Euphoria, writing an excellent story about it, finding love, and happiness, everything. I wanted the magically perfect and happy ending.
I’ve often gone into the majority of Ryan Hyatt’s novels with something of a prejudice. Meaning I have set favorites, and therefore nothing else will ever compare. This time, I really tried to go in with a more open mind, and it made a difference.

Final Thoughts on Stay Younger Longer
“There’s nothing worse than a crazy wench wielding a butter knife.”
Ryan Hyatt, Stay Younger Longer
I’m called Stay Younger Longer a five star read. Because it kept me engaged, feeling a range of emotions, and wanting to know more with every turn of a page. I had to keep going and see it through to the end.
Even if you don’t like science fiction or dystopian novels in general, give this one a try. It is totally worth it!
“If I have any lingering issues with women, maybe it’s because the most memorable mother figure from my childhood was a talking, walking fuck-machine hijacked from a robot whorehouse.”
Ryan Hyatt, Stay Younger Longer
In this series, I would rate Stay Younger Longer as my favorite. Followed closely by Rise of the Liberators. A distant third would be The Psychic’s Memoirs.
I am now impatiently waiting on the two more books that Ryan is working on that will go in this series, Worlds War One, and The Initiates.
Have you read Stay Younger Longer or any other writing from author Ryan Hyatt? Are you a fan? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
About the Author

Ryan Hyatt attributes his passion for writing to an adventurous upbringing and active imagination. He was born in Tucson in 1976. Ryan and his two younger sisters spent childhood living in communities throughout Arizona and California.
He returned to his hometown to earn a bachelor’s degree from the University of Arizona in 1999. Working as an editor for a defunct horse trade magazine, and then as an auto liability investigator, Ryan sold his car to move to Barcelona, Spain in October 2002, fed up with corporate life.
His experiences culminated in “Friends of the Night,” an unpublished memoir written at age 25. Failing to find a job in Spain, he returned to the United States four months later destitute and despondent because his foreign conquest didn’t last.
Ryan spent the remainder of his twenties moving back and forth between Phoenix and Los Angeles working as a journalist. It was in the throes of his love/hate relationship with conservatism and liberalism, the United States and Europe, Arizona and California, music and monotony, his friends and himself, that Ryan wrote his debut novel. This second edition was reprinted in 2016.
Ryan Hyatt tells stories about your future. He is a former news reporter, columnist, and author of the Terrafide sci-fi series. He edits the satirical sci-fi news site, The La-La Lander, as well as Not Your Father’s Bedtime Stories, kids lit he creates with his daughter, author Sage Hyatt. Find him at the beach and his stories across the internet.
Ryan holds a master’s degree in education from California State University Northridge and develops and manages literacy programs for Los Angeles schools.

Purchasing Stay Younger Longer
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More From Ryan Hyatt
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The Last Shimmer (Sage Hyatt)
Stay Younger Longer
Worlds War One
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